Au revoir my friends
发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2013-06-21   浏览次数:93

It has been said that all good things must come to an end, and so with a mixture of sadness, and excitement at a new life beginning, I will bid farewell to HIT at Weihai in a matter of weeks.


My time at HIT and in Weihai has been very rewarding and I have made lots of Chinese friends. To say I will miss the students, those Chinese teaching colleagues who have been very supportive, the administrative staff, security personnel and cleaning staff, is an understatement. Their kindness and warm welcome will stay with me forever � not least the people who keep the campus clean, tidy and secure and who always manage a smile.


I can honestly say that I looked forward each day to being in the classroom with students.  It was never a chore. As Confucius once said: “Choose a job you love,and you will never have to work a day in your life.” There’s also little doubt that Chinese students are diligent and have been a pleasure to teach. You have taught me so much and, along the way, I’ve had a lot of fun too.


For a university that concentrates on science and technology, it was reassuring to see so many talented musicians, singers, dancers, athletes and martial artists at the many events on campus. These events add to the richness of life at university and are a showcase for the many individuals taking part.  Former US president, the late John F. Kennedy said: “Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.”  The many examples of Chinese students from HIT volunteering to help those in China in less fortunate circumstances is confirmation of that private hope, and is a part of “the Chinese Dream.”


I wish you all good health, prosperity and a contented life, and I’m sure many of you will make a significant contribution to the continuing development of your motherland. 


My private hope it that it will be ‘au revoir’ rather than ‘goodbye’. If I travel to Weihai in the future, I will be sure to visit HIT. To quote Confucius again: “To have friends come from afar is happiness, is it not?”



Mal Perry