英语角通知——谈谈垃圾分类(Talk about garbage classification)
发布人:宋莉  发布时间:2019-11-20   浏览次数:859

主题:Talk about garbage classification



到梦空间ID: 1474128

  英语角介绍: 本期英语角主题为垃圾分类。众所周知,垃圾分类已经开始在我国的部分城市实行了。毫无疑问,这项政策有利于资源回收,保护环境。但是在这项政策的推行过程中也存在着许多困难和问题。对此,你有什么观点和看法呢?本周英语角为你提供一个交流的平台!

  The topic of English corner is garbage classification. As we all know, garbage classification has been carried out in some cities of our country. There is no doubt that this policy is good for recycling and protecting the environment. However, there are many difficulties and problems in the implementation of this policy. What is your opinion on this? English corner provides you with a platform to communicate.