英语角通知——Beautiful hometown
发布人:宋莉  发布时间:2023-10-10   浏览次数:429

主题:Beautiful hometown





乡,藏在年少记忆里家乡,是什么样的呢? 是烟火气、是归属感、是惬意、是幸福,是一块被岁月打磨得如诗如画的土地,充满着令人陶醉的美丽与深刻回忆。我们离开家乡,进入校园,踏上新的求学之路。在大学生活中,你是否感受到了威海与家乡的不同之处?你是否有某一个时刻格外地思念家乡?欢迎来到本期英语角,向大家介绍你家乡的风景、美食与习俗,分享你与家乡的故事。

Hometown is hidden in our young memory. What is it? It is the hustle and bustle, a sense of belonging, comfort, and happiness. It is a land polished by years, full of intoxicating beauty and profound memories. We leave our hometown, enter the campus, and embark on a new way of learning. In your college life, have you felt the difference between Weihai and your hometown? Have you ever missed your home at a certain moment? Welcome to this English corner to introduce the scenery, food and customs of your hometown, and share your stories with your hometown.